Law & Disorder

  • Fridays, 6:00pm7:00pm

and Disorder
radio gives listeners access to rare legal perspectives on issues
concerning civil liberties, privacy, right to dissent and the horrendous
practices of torture exercised by the US government. This program examines the
political forces and legislation that are moving the United States into a police

of the top progressive attorneys and activists 
host the program
and consistently bring a diverse line up of guests from grassroots activists to
politically mindful authors. More importantly, Law and Disorder brings access
to attorneys who give insights to some of the most controversial cases. Airing
on Pacifica station WBAI 99.5 FMLaw
and Disorder
sometimes be the generator of news within the radio echo-chamber throughout the country.

Law and Disorder is a weekly, independent radio program airing on many stations across the United States and podcasting on the web.

Law & Disorder
6:00pm, 8-11-2017
6:00pm, 8-4-2017